Travel to the airport in comfort

Travelling without luggage is more comfortable and less stressful. Our luggage service guarantees you a relaxed departure. Opt for our luggage service on our website no later than 48 hours before you depart, fill in a few details and transfer the payment. Then you will receive a receipt.

We take care of your luggage

The day before your departure, your luggage will be collected from your home or hotel between 13:00 and 21:00 by a transport company we work with. Dynasure will contact you to arrange a more precise time slot. The courier will register your luggage using our app and label it so that we know exactly which luggage belongs to which traveller. Then your luggage is taken to a special storage area at the airport with security cameras. You can easily pick up your luggage from there on the day of departure, check it in and continue your journey.


How much does this service cost? Calculate the price.





Smooth transfer to your home or hotel

Do you want to go home or to your hotel without any hassle after landing? No problem: we will look after your luggage! Opt for this service on our website 48 hours than the day before you depart, fill in a few details and transfer the payment. When you arrive, collect your luggage from the carousel after landing and check in at our office (‘baggage services’) in the reclaim area at the airport. A staff member will accompany you through customs and then take charge of your luggage. An address card will be attached to your luggage so that we know exactly which luggage belongs to which traveller.


Your luggage will be delivered at a time of your choice.

All the luggage is taken to a special storage area. It is collected from there by a courier company that we work with. The courier will contact you at that point to agree on a delivery time. This is how we ensure your luggage is delivered safely to you at home or in your hotel.


How much does this service cost? Calculate the price.


How does it work?


Book our luggage service on the website at least 48 hours before you depart

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One day before your depart your luggage is transported to the airport by Dynasure (subsidiary of Bpost)

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On the day of departure, you have to be at the airport in time. Your luggage will be taken to the meeting point based on your name and tag numbers. The meeting point is not a counter, but an agreed location

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You can collect your luggage at the meeting point and check-in at your airline 

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